Guide to Driving In Sicily - Drive Safe in Sicily

With our Drive Smart guide you're fully prepared to hire a car in Sicily and stay safe on unfamiliar roads.


50 kph

More info  


90 kph

More info  

motorway speed limit

110-130 kph

speed limit
More info  

Drink Drive Limit


drink and drive limit
More info  
You drive in Sicily on the Right side  
The currency in Sicily is EUR €
To rent a car is  21 years and to drive is 18 years of age
Current fuel price in Sicily 1.74 €/Ltr

Driving Laws in Sicily

Driving in Italy
Pocket guide to driving in Italy
Driving in Italy
SPEED: (kph)
Speed limit in Italy
Rush hour in Italy
Speed cameras in Italy
Fuel prices in Italy
See Fuel Price in Italy for full statistics
Min driving age in Italy
Blood alcohol content
Drink driving in Italy
Emergency phone number in Italy
Driving documents in Italy
Hands free only
Mobile phone driving in Italy
Seat belt in Italy
See here for current child seats law in Italy

Are there any special requirements for driving or hiring a car in Sicily?

Sicily is very easy to travel around and hiring a car can be a very rewarding activity.  You only need to be careful in the cities which can be chaotic and on some of the rural roads, especially around the volcano, Mount Etna. As with any journey, you should always prepare for unexpected difficulties but you should find your tour of Sicily will be a delight.

Rules of the road

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Emergency Services Numbers

Police Police: 112

Police Fire: 112

Police Ambulance: 112


Oct , 2024

€ 1.62

€ 1.74

Sep , 2024

€ 1.65

€ 1.77

Aug , 2024

€ 1.78

€ 1.90

Jul , 2024

€ 1.82

€ 1.93

Parking Information

Parking regulations

Parking regulations
Parking is known as Parcheggio in Sicily. It is best avoid parking in the centre of cities as the old town streets are very narrow. We’d recommend using a parking lot or garage as it’ll save a lot of time on looking for a space. On the road you can only park in the direction of travel unless it's a one way street in which case you can park on either side of the road as long as there is a three metre gap for cars to get through.
Paid parking 
Blue signs indicate areas in cities where you must pay to park. At certain times and on Sundays you can park for free. Where the parking duration is restricted, you'll find blue lines on the road and signs will give you the details. Ticket payment is usually at a machine nearby.  
Enforcement of parking is done by the police and you may find you are clamped as well as fined if overstaying your time. The cost for removal of clamps is expensive so be careful where you park. If you are causing an obstruction you may also be towed away. Parking fines are moderately expensive.
Disabled parking
In Sicily, the disabled blue badge scheme is recognised but with some  exceptions. You will still have to pay for parking but can park in specially designated parking spaces, labelled with a yellow wheelchair logo. Time restrictions don't apply to disabled drivers. You can only park in no parking areas if it is an emergency, otherwise you will be liable to be towed away or clamped. You will still need to get a parking disk to use the white lines parking areas.

Emergency Information

Emergency Information

Police Police: 112

Police Fire: 112

Police Ambulance: 112

The emergency number in Sicily is the European standard 112 for the police, fire and ambulance

What to do in an emergency

If you have a problem with your car you should phone the number given to you on the rental documents or attached to the windscreen of your car. If you are driving your own vehicle, use your emergency assistance company's partner in Italy. Breaking down on a motorway, the emergency phones every few hundred metres link you to a mechanic or the emergency services.
If an accident occurs, you are allowed to sort out minor damage between the two parties but if someone is injured, you must call the police and ambulance. It’s recommended that you photograph the scene and where possible, leave the vehicles in place until the police arrive. You should ask for a copy of their report for your insurers or the car hire company

Handy Guides

World Driving Guides

Road Signs

Handy Phrases

Autostrada - Motorway
Uscita – Exit
Entrata - Entrance
Tangenziale – Ring Road 
Strade Bianchi – Marked white on the map these are country roads
In Autostrada Anabbaglianti Sempre Accesi – Keep your headlights on
Biglietto – Ticket
Autogrill – Motorway rest areas
Disco Orario – Parking disc
Raccordo – Ring way roads around the main cities.
Strade Statali – State roads (dual carriageways)
Ho ripartito - I have broken down 
Dove si trova la stazione di polizia? - Where is the police station? - 
Ho una gomma a terra - I have a flat tyre - 
Sono stato in un incidente - I have been in an accident -  
Dove si trova? - Where is?
Dove posso acquistare la benzina? - Where can I buy petrol?

Sicily Fuel Price History

Oct , 2024

€ 1.62

€ 1.74

Sep , 2024

€ 1.65

€ 1.77

Aug , 2024

€ 1.78

€ 1.90

Jul , 2024

€ 1.82

€ 1.93

Jun , 2024

€ 1.70

€ 1.85

May , 2024

€ 1.96

€ 1.90

Apr , 2024

€ 1.81

€ 1.91

Mar , 2024

€ 1.80

€ 1.86

Feb , 2024

€ 1.80

€ 1.84

Jan , 2024

€ 1.74

€ 1.78

Dec , 2023

€ 1.75

€ 1.77

Nov , 2023

€ 1.79

€ 1.81

Month, YearDiesel €/ltrUnleaded €/ltr
Oct , 2024 1.62 1.74
Sep , 2024 1.65 1.77
Aug , 2024 1.78 1.90
Jul , 2024 1.82 1.93
Jun , 2024 1.70 1.85
May , 2024 1.96 1.90
Apr , 2024 1.81 1.91
Mar , 2024 1.80 1.86
Feb , 2024 1.80 1.84
Jan , 2024 1.74 1.78
Dec , 2023 1.75 1.77
Nov , 2023 1.79 1.81

Hiring a Car

With our Drive Smart guide you're fully prepared to hire a car in Sicily and stay safe on unfamiliar roads.
Chloe Demaret
Posted by Chloe Demaret
About the Author -

Travel writer, social media guru, Chloe keeps our readers and customers up to speed with all the car rental and travel trends on our blog. Favourite destination: Dubai.

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