Guide to Driving In El Salvador - Drive Safe in El Salvador

With our Drive Smart guide you're fully prepared to hire a car in El Salvador and stay safe on unfamiliar roads.


50 kph

More info  


90 kph

More info  

motorway speed limit

90 kph

speed limit
More info  

Drink Drive Limit

 50 mg

drink and drive limit
More info  
You drive in El Salvador on the Right side  
The currency in El Salvador is $ USD
To rent a car is  21 years and to drive is 15 years of age
Current fuel price in El Salvador 0.88 €/Ltr

Driving Laws in El Salvador

Driving in El Salvador
Pocket guide to driving in El Salvador
El Salvador
San Salvador
Driving in El Salvador
SPEED: (kph)
Speed limit in El Salvador
Rush hour in El Salvador
Speed cameras in El Salvador
Fuel prices in El Salvador
See World Fuel Prices for full statistics
Min driving age in El Salvador
50 mg
Blood alcohol content
Drink driving in El Salvador
Emergency phone number in El Salvador
Driving documents in El Salvador
Hands free only
Mobile phone driving in El Salvador
Seat belt in El Salvador
See here for current child seats law in El Salvador

Are there any special requirements for driving or hiring a car in El Salvador?

El Salvador is heading out on the tourism trail after years on internal conflict.  With the help of international funding, the country's infrastructure has improved greatly and it's becoming a popular destination with Americans.  The cities have much colonial history and outside of them the countryside is spectacular and unspoilt but requires a 4x4 for safe access. 

Rules of the road

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Emergency Services Numbers

Police Police: 911

Police Fire: 132

Police Ambulance: 913


Oct , 2024

€ 0.82

€ 0.88

Sep , 2024

€ 0.85

€ 0.98

Aug , 2024

€ 0.90

€ 1.03

Jul , 2024

€ 0.93

€ 1.04

Parking Information

Parking regulations

Parking regulations
Parking is very loosely regulated in El Salvador and most drivers simply park wherever they find a space. 
Paid parking
Paid parking is most common in the big towns and cities and generally consists of covered parking, sometimes attended but often remotely. You’ll find some parking bays in San Salvador controlled by ticket machines but these are for short term parking only – often up to a maximum of two hours. 
Enforcement of parking is relaxed as long as you park sensibly. The police patrol the towns and cities but have to be on a mission before they’ll clamp down on parking. We don’t recommend that you risk not paying though for the fine will seriously outweigh the saving. 
Disabled parking
Disabled parking is unheard of in El Salvador so don’t expect to find convenient spaces for your needs. To do so, you should find an attended lot or garage and ask for assistance; usually it will be forthcoming. 

Emergency Information

Emergency Information

Police Police: 911

Police Fire: 132

Police Ambulance: 913

The emergency number in El Salvador is 911 for all the emergency services.

What to do in an emergency

If unfortunate to have mechanical problems with your hire car, simply call the number given to you by the car hire agency. It’ll be on the documentation and usually inside the windscreen of the car. 
In the event of an accident you must stop if there is major damage or if someone has been hurt. Otherwise you can simply sort out the problem between you.  If the police are to attend you should avoid moving the vehicles until they arrive unless they are causing a danger to others. If you have to move them, take a photograph of the scene before you do. Collecting witness details is also a good idea whilst you wait.

Handy Guides

World Driving Guides

Road Signs

Handy Phrases

Adelantamiento prohibido - No overtaking
 Calzada con prioridad - Main/priority road
 Ceder el paso - Give way / Yield
 Camino de grava - Gravel road
 Cruce de peatones - Pedestrian crossing
 Curva peligrosa - Dangerous curve
 Curva a derecho - Curve to right
 Curva a izquierdo - Curve to left
 Curvas peligrosas hacia la izquierda - Double bend, first to left
 Detención obligatoria - Stop and give way
 De dos camino tráfico - Two way traffic
 Echar la mano - You must pay cash
 Entrada prohibida - No entry
 Entrada prohibida a vehículos de motor - No motor vehicles
 Estrechamiento de calzada - Road narrows 
  Estrechamiento de calzada por la derecha - Road narrows on right
 Fin de prioridad - End of priority road
 Gire a la derecha - Turn to right
 Girar a la izquierda - Turn to left
 Intersección con prioridad - Junction with a minor  road
 Licencia de conducir - Driver license
 Límite de velocidad mínimo - Minimum speed limit
 Límite de la velocidad máxima - Maximum speed limit
 Media vuelta prohibida - No U-turn
 Ninguna parada - No stopping
 Obras - Road works
 Otros peligros - Other danger
 Párese y ceda el paso - Priority road
 Patojo - Child
  Pavimento deslizante - Slippery road
 Permiso de conducir - Driving permit
 Permiso de conducir internacional -  International driver license
 Prohibido el paso - No entry
 Prohibido estacionarse - No parking
 Rocas decrecientes - Falling rocks
 Rotatoria - Roundabout
 Semáforos - Traffic lights
 Topes/ tumulos - Speed bumps
  Vehículo - Vehicle
  Velocidad máxima - Maximum speed
  Viga alta - High-beam

El Salvador Fuel Price History

Oct , 2024

€ 0.82

€ 0.88

Sep , 2024

€ 0.85

€ 0.98

Aug , 2024

€ 0.90

€ 1.03

Jul , 2024

€ 0.93

€ 1.04

Jun , 2024

€ 0.92

€ 1.08

May , 2024

€ 1.05

€ 1.15

Apr , 2024

€ 0.97

€ 1.12

Mar , 2024

€ 0.99

€ 1.05

Feb , 2024

€ 0.97

€ 1.01

Jan , 2024

€ 0.90

€ 0.94

Dec , 2023

€ 0.93

€ 0.94

Nov , 2023

€ 0.97

€ 0.93

Month, YearDiesel €/ltrUnleaded €/ltr
Oct , 2024 0.82 0.88
Sep , 2024 0.85 0.98
Aug , 2024 0.90 1.03
Jul , 2024 0.93 1.04
Jun , 2024 0.92 1.08
May , 2024 1.05 1.15
Apr , 2024 0.97 1.12
Mar , 2024 0.99 1.05
Feb , 2024 0.97 1.01
Jan , 2024 0.90 0.94
Dec , 2023 0.93 0.94
Nov , 2023 0.97 0.93
Kellie Hodge
Posted by Kellie Hodge
About the Author -

Travel writer, customer service guru, Kellie knows the ins and outs of car rental and always happy to share her knowledge on our blog. Favourite country to visit: Spain.

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