Guide to Driving In Argentina - Drive Safe in Argentina

With our Drive Smart guide you're fully prepared to hire a car in Argentina and stay safe on unfamiliar roads.


40-60 kph

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110 kph

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motorway speed limit

120-130 kph

speed limit
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Drink Drive Limit


drink and drive limit
More info  
You drive in Argentina on the Right side  
The currency in Argentina is ARS
To rent a car is  21 years and to drive is 18 years of age
Current fuel price in Argentina 1.05 €/Ltr

Driving Laws in Argentina

Driving in Argentina
Pocket guide to driving in Argentina
Buenos Aires
Driving in Argentina
SPEED: (kph)
Speed limit in Argentina
Rush hour in Argentina
Speed cameras in Argentina
Fuel prices in Argentina
See World Fuel Prices for full statistics
Min driving age in Argentina
Blood alcohol content
Drink driving in Argentina
Emergency phone number in Argentina
Driving documents in Argentina
Hands free only
Mobile phone driving in Argentina
Seat belt in Argentina
See here for current child seats law in Argentina

Are there any special requirements for driving or hiring a car in Argentina?

Driving is on the right with overtaking on the left. Traffic signals are the same as in most countries though the drivers are very aggressive. Running red lights is commonplace. On main roads left hand turns are not allowed unless specifically stated. When arriving at an intersection in Greater Buenos Aires cars honk their horns and the first one to honk gets right of way.
No Left Turn Road Sign ArgentinaIn the country areas you should drive carefully in case there are any potholes or rocks in the road. Driving at night should be avoided where possible due to the lack of visibility. When you get to rural areas you should expect to find gravel and even dirt paths so plan accordingly. A four wheel drive car is usually a good idea and you should always travel with a good map. Quite a few tourists have rolled their cars on gravel and accidents can be expensive to fix due to the current economic climate. To drive in Argentina the following are requirements: a fire extinguisher, two warning triangles, a rigid tow bar, a first aid kit and a working handbrake. Before you collect and return your car you should check for any scratches or damage. Having a credit card is usually the preferred way of making bookings. Be sure to advise us if you plan to take the car across the border. At police check points they may spray the underside of your car with a pesticide and expect a small amount of money for it.

Watch out for auto theft in cities such as Buenos Aires and avoid it by parking your car in a well lit area. Around Buenos Aires the police sometimes set up road blocks in order to extract bribes. In some tourist areas small children will offer to guard your car for a tip.

Rules of the road

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Emergency Services Numbers

Police Police: 911

Police Fire: 911

Police Ambulance: 911

Notes: Currently Argentina converting 100 to 911 service

Jul , 2024

€ 1.13

€ 1.05

Jun , 2024

€ 1.11

€ 1.05

May , 2024

€ 1.21

€ 1.04

Apr , 2024

€ 1.11

€ 1.03

Parking Information

Parking regulations

Parking regulations
No parking zones are clearly marked in cities and major towns. You must park only in the direction of the traffic.
Paid parking
There are many municipal and privately operated car parks in the major towns and cities in Argentina. Parking is relatively inexpensive but increases dramatically towards the CBD. You'll also find metered parking on some roads, again, not overly expensive but with restricted times.
Enforcement of parking is often done by the police and whilst a little haphazard, if they see what appears to be a tourist car illegally parked, you can receive a ticket or if towed away, a substantial fine. 
Disabled parking
Argentina has a blue badge scheme for disabled drivers and many places displaying the sign will also accept European disability badges so it's worth trying to use your badge, if only for more convenient parking. 

Emergency Information

Emergency Information

Police Police: 911

Police Fire: 911

Police Ambulance: 911

The emergency number in Argentina is 101 for the police, 100 for fire and 107 for ambulance. Or 911 for all emergency services within Bueno Aires.

What to do in an emergency

In an emergency, you must display a warning triangle 30m from the vehicle to the front and rear of the car. Hazard warning lights must be lit. If someone has been injured or property or cars badly damaged, the police must be called. Stay calm and polite – tourists are almost always seen as being in the wrong and you could find yourself in trouble by arguing. If possible, take photographs to support your case and seek independent witnesses where possible. 

Handy Guides

World Driving Guides

Road Signs

Handy Phrases

Highway – Autopista
Mountain pass - Paso
Buenos Aires residents - Porteños
Police checkpoints -Controles policiales
Paved unlit two lane road – Ruta
Stop - PARE
I have broken down - He roto 
Where is the police station? - Dónde está la estación de policía? 
I have a flat tyre - Tengo una rueda pinchada
I have been in an accident - He estado en un accidente 
Where is? - Dónde está? 
Where can I buy petrol? - Dónde puedo comprar gasolina?
Seguro- Insurance

Argentina Fuel Price History

Jul , 2024

€ 1.13

€ 1.05

Jun , 2024

€ 1.11

€ 1.05

May , 2024

€ 1.21

€ 1.04

Apr , 2024

€ 1.11

€ 1.03

Mar , 2024

€ 1.03

€ 0.93

Feb , 2024

€ 1.00

€ 0.91

Jan , 2024

€ 0.81

€ 0.74

Dec , 2023

€ 1.07

€ 0.96

Nov , 2023

€ 1.07

€ 0.96

Oct , 2023

€ 0.97

€ 0.85

Sep , 2023

€ 0.93

€ 0.83

Aug , 2023

€ 0.94

€ 0.84

Month, YearDiesel €/ltrUnleaded €/ltr
Jul , 2024 1.13 1.05
Jun , 2024 1.11 1.05
May , 2024 1.21 1.04
Apr , 2024 1.11 1.03
Mar , 2024 1.03 0.93
Feb , 2024 1.00 0.91
Jan , 2024 0.81 0.74
Dec , 2023 1.07 0.96
Nov , 2023 1.07 0.96
Oct , 2023 0.97 0.85
Sep , 2023 0.93 0.83
Aug , 2023 0.94 0.84

Hiring a Car

With our Drive Smart guide you're fully prepared to hire a car in Argentina and stay safe on unfamiliar roads.
Phil Partridge
Posted by Phil Partridge
About the Author -

Travel writer, car rental guru, Phil has rented cars all over the world and shares his knowledge and experience on the Blog. Favourite country to visit: France.

Visitor Comments

  • 09/01/2019


    In Argentina you ask for nafta if you want petrol, not gasolina. Gas is natural gas, also available most places.