Guide to Driving In Austria - Drive Safe in Austria

With our Drive Smart guide you're fully prepared to hire a car in Austria and stay safe on unfamiliar roads.


50 kph

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100 kph

More info  

motorway speed limit

130 kph

speed limit
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Drink Drive Limit


drink and drive limit
More info  
You drive in Austria on the Right side  
The currency in Austria is EUR €
To rent a car is  21 years and to drive is 18 years of age
Current fuel price in Austria 1.62 €/Ltr

Driving Laws in Austria

Driving in Austria
Pocket guide to driving in Austria
Driving in Austria
SPEED: (kph)
Speed limit in Austria
Rush hour in Austria
Speed cameras in Austria
Fuel prices in Austria
See Fuel Price in Austria for full statistics
Min driving age in Austria
Blood alcohol content
Drink driving in Austria
Emergency phone number in Austria
Driving documents in Austria
Hands free only
Mobile phone driving in Austria
Seat belt in Austria
See here for current child seats law in Austria

Are there any special requirements for driving or hiring a car in Austria?

Austria has one of the highest speed limits in the world and you are allowed to drive at 130 kilometres per hour on the motorways. Cars are generally manual but you can also order automatic vehicles. Cars entering an intersection from the right have priority unless otherwise stated. Traffic entering the motorways must yield to traffic which is already on the motorways. You cannot turn right on a red light unless indicated to do so by a green arrow.

Austria Driving

Rules of the road

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Emergency Services Numbers

Police Police: 112

Police Fire: 112

Police Ambulance: 112


Jul , 2024

€ 1.62

€ 1.62

Jun , 2024

€ 1.56

€ 1.59

May , 2024

€ 1.84

€ 1.66

Apr , 2024

€ 1.70

€ 1.67

Parking Information

Parking regulations

Parking regulations
Parking is generally cheap in Austria apart from in Vienna and everywhere, it's free at the weekend. There are strict laws with high fines for illegal parking so it's often better to use formal parking facilities. You must park in the direction of the traffic, so, effectively, facing forward on the right hand side of the street.
Paid parking
In Austria you'll find ticket machines in many locations alongside the road. These allow a maximum of two hours parking usually. You cannot park where there are yellow or red lines alongside the kerb nor on the white lines of a bus stop or within three metres of a fire hydrant. 
Blue Disc
It’s possible to buy an International Blue Parking Disc from many shops and kiosks. There are special parking areas for holders of these and you can park there for up to two hours. It’s often a much cheaper way to park. The European blue card is also valid in Austria.
Roadside parking is warden controlled but the police will also intervene if the car is causing an obstruction. Parking fines are relatively high.
Disabled parking
Austria follows EU guidance on the use of the disabled badge but never assume so. Do not use the disk to park anywhere unless there are specific indications you can do so.

Emergency Information

Emergency Information

Police Police: 112

Police Fire: 112

Police Ambulance: 112

The emergency number in Austria is the European standard 112

The American Embassy is at Boltzmanngasse 16, A-1090 Vienna and can be contacted on +43-1 31339-0. Their website is

The British Embassy is at Jauresgasse 12, 1030, Vienna and can be contacted on Tel: +43-1 716130. Their website is

What to do in an emergency

In an emergency, you must display a warning triangle 30m from the vehicle and have your hazard warning lights on. If you are in a rural area, you must put on a reflective jacket, day or night, before proceeding to put out the triangle. Call the emergency services on 112 and wait with the vehicle until they arrive. It is an offence to leave the scene of an accident where someone has been injured. 

Handy Guides

World Driving Guides

Road Signs

Handy Phrases

Hello - Gruess Gott
Motorway - Autobahn
Expressway– Schnellstraßen
Goodbye - Servus
Petrol – Benzin
Please follow police - Polizei bitte folgen
Unleaded – Bleifrei
Road construction - Baustellen
Fines - Verwarnungsgeld
Self service - Selbstbedienung or SB-Tanken
Warning triangle  - Warndreieck
I have broken down: Ich habe eine Autopanne 
Where is the police station? - Wo ist die Polizei? 
I have a flat tyre - Ich habe eine Reifenpanne 
I have been in an accident: - Ich habe einen Unfall gehabt 
Where is? - Wo ist? 
Where can I buy petrol? - Wo ist eine Tankstelle?

Austria Fuel Price History

Jul , 2024

€ 1.62

€ 1.62

Jun , 2024

€ 1.56

€ 1.59

May , 2024

€ 1.84

€ 1.66

Apr , 2024

€ 1.70

€ 1.67

Mar , 2024

€ 1.68

€ 1.60

Feb , 2024

€ 1.69

€ 1.57

Jan , 2024

€ 1.64

€ 1.53

Dec , 2023

€ 1.65

€ 1.54

Nov , 2023

€ 1.66

€ 1.54

Oct , 2023

€ 1.79

€ 1.69

Sep , 2023

€ 1.80

€ 1.72

Aug , 2023

€ 1.66

€ 1.65

Month, YearDiesel €/ltrUnleaded €/ltr
Jul , 2024 1.62 1.62
Jun , 2024 1.56 1.59
May , 2024 1.84 1.66
Apr , 2024 1.70 1.67
Mar , 2024 1.68 1.60
Feb , 2024 1.69 1.57
Jan , 2024 1.64 1.53
Dec , 2023 1.65 1.54
Nov , 2023 1.66 1.54
Oct , 2023 1.79 1.69
Sep , 2023 1.80 1.72
Aug , 2023 1.66 1.65

Hiring a Car

With our Drive Smart guide you're fully prepared to hire a car in Austria and stay safe on unfamiliar roads.
Phil Partridge
Posted by Phil Partridge
About the Author -

Travel writer, car rental guru, Phil has rented cars all over the world and shares his knowledge and experience on the Blog. Favourite country to visit: France.

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