Are there any special requirements for driving or hiring a car in Germany?
Driving in Germany is generally considered to be a pleasure because of the excellent roads there. However despite what you may have heard there are actually many sections of the autobahns which do have speed limits. Germany also has the second largest road system in the world. Cars are generally manual unless otherwise specified.
Vehicles entering an intersection from the right have right of way unless otherwise stated. Traffic entering the motorways must yield to traffic which is already on the motorways If you break down on the autobahns there are emergency phones located every two miles. Passing cars on the right is strictly prohibited.
Germany uses a priority roads system to define right of way and this is marked by a diamond sign in yellow with a white border. Traffic on these roads has priority over traffic on all other roads. Traffic police show blinking signs which say
Polizei Halt , meaning 'Police Stop' if they want to stop you. If police decide to pull you over they use a traffic paddle to indicate to you while their car will say 'Polizei bitte folgen'.