Guide to Driving In Hungary - Drive Safe in Hungary

With our Drive Smart guide you're fully prepared to hire a car in Hungary and stay safe on unfamiliar roads.


50 kph

More info  


90 kph

More info  

motorway speed limit

110-130 kph

speed limit
More info  

Drink Drive Limit


drink and drive limit
More info  
You drive in Hungary on the Right side  
The currency in Hungary is HUF
To rent a car is  21 years and to drive is 17 years of age
Current fuel price in Hungary 1.56 €/Ltr

Driving Laws in Hungary

Driving in Hungary
Pocket guide to driving in Hungary
Driving in Hungary
SPEED: (kph)
Speed limit in Hungary
Rush hour in Hungary
Speed cameras in Hungary
Fuel prices in Hungary
See Fuel Price in Hungary for full statistics
Min driving age in Hungary
Blood alcohol content
Drink driving in Hungary
Emergency phone number in Hungary
Driving documents in Hungary
Hands free only
Mobile phone driving in Hungary
Seat belt in Hungary
See here for current child seats law in Hungary

Are there any special requirements for driving or hiring a car in Hungary?

Driving is on the right with overtaking only on the left. Hungary has updated most of its roads since the country entered the European Union, therefore the roads are in good condition.

Hungary Driving

Rules of the road

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Emergency Services Numbers

Police Police: 112

Police Fire: 112

Police Ambulance: 112


Jul , 2024

€ 1.59

€ 1.56

Jun , 2024

€ 1.53

€ 1.51

May , 2024

€ 1.83

€ 1.64

Apr , 2024

€ 1.69

€ 1.65

Parking Information

Parking regulations

Parking regulations
In Hungary you must only park on the side of the road in the flow of traffic, therefore the right hand side. On one way streets you xcan park on both sides as long as cars can pass through. 
Paid parking
Parking is generally metered on the street although the country has tried to help tourists by making parking free near the sights. Parking meters give you a short length of stay and to park for longer you'll need to use a municipal or private garage parking. 
Enforcement of parking is done by the police and you'll either get a ticket, or if parked for too long, a clamp along with details on how to get your car released. 
Disabled parking
Acknowledgement of the terms of the European disability badge scheme isn't widespread in Hungary but it's worth taking it to show that you need extra assistance. It's best to use parking garages where the attendant will almost certainly help you gain an accessible space. 

Emergency Information

Emergency Information

Police Police: 112

Police Fire: 112

Police Ambulance: 112

The best number to use is the European standard 112.

The United States Embassy in Hungary is located at Szabadság tér 12
H-1054 Budapest and they can be contacted on (36-1) 475-4400. Their website is

The British Embassy in Hungary is located at Budapest, Füge u. 5-7, 1022 Hungary and you can call (36) (1) 266 2888.  Their website is

What to do in an emergency

If your car suffers a mechanical problem whilst in Hungary, call the number given to you by the car hire agent if in a rental car. If driving your own car, use the number of the Hungarian partner of your motoring organisation.

If you are involved in an accident, call the emergency services in all cases where there is damage or injury. Take photographs of the scene whilst waiting and, where possible, don't move the vehicles. The police will issue a report which you'll need for insurance purposes.

Handy Guides

World Driving Guides

Road Signs

Handy Phrases

  • Hello - Jo napot kivanok
  • Thank you - Koeszoenoem
  • Good bye – Szia
  • Petrol - Benzin
  • Diesel – Gazolaj Dizel
  • Diversion – Kervlo Ut
  • Toll – Vam
  • Police Station – Renderseg
  • Hospital - Korhaz
  • Exit - Eltavosaz
  • I have broken down -  lerobbantam
  • Where is the police station? - Hol van a rendőrség? 
  • I have a flat tyre - Nekem van egy defektet 
  • I have been in an accident - balesetet szenvedtem
  • Where is? -  Hol van? 
  • Where can I buy petrol? -  Hol lehet vásárolni benzin?

Hungary Fuel Price History

Jul , 2024

€ 1.59

€ 1.56

Jun , 2024

€ 1.53

€ 1.51

May , 2024

€ 1.83

€ 1.64

Apr , 2024

€ 1.69

€ 1.65

Mar , 2024

€ 1.61

€ 1.56

Feb , 2024

€ 1.66

€ 1.56

Jan , 2024

€ 1.56

€ 1.49

Dec , 2023

€ 1.55

€ 1.50

Nov , 2023

€ 1.59

€ 1.54

Oct , 2023

€ 1.74

€ 1.66

Sep , 2023

€ 1.76

€ 1.71

Aug , 2023

€ 1.64

€ 1.61

Month, YearDiesel €/ltrUnleaded €/ltr
Jul , 2024 1.59 1.56
Jun , 2024 1.53 1.51
May , 2024 1.83 1.64
Apr , 2024 1.69 1.65
Mar , 2024 1.61 1.56
Feb , 2024 1.66 1.56
Jan , 2024 1.56 1.49
Dec , 2023 1.55 1.50
Nov , 2023 1.59 1.54
Oct , 2023 1.74 1.66
Sep , 2023 1.76 1.71
Aug , 2023 1.64 1.61

Hiring a Car

With our Drive Smart guide you're fully prepared to hire a car in Hungary and stay safe on unfamiliar roads.
Chloe Demaret
Posted by Chloe Demaret
About the Author -

Travel writer, social media guru, Chloe keeps our readers and customers up to speed with all the car rental and travel trends on our blog. Favourite destination: Dubai.

Visitor Comments

  • 31/10/2018


    native hungarian here, (who had been uk resident for more than a decade) , your translations are more or less ok, but these: I have broken down - Én bontásban I have been in an accident - Én már egy baleset gave me a chuckle :D. they are not even close. the hungarian that you gave for "I have broken down" means more like " I had been disassembled". What you meant is something like "lerobbantam". the hungarian you gave for I have been in an accident is more like "Im already an accident :D" What you meant is " balesetet szenvedtem" (szenvedtem means I suffered - in this sentence accident)