Are there any special requirements for driving or hiring a car in Gibraltar?
Unlike the UK, Gibraltar drives on the RIGHT hand side of the road much like the rest of continental Europe, despite being an overseas territory of the United Kingdom, which makes a lot of sense as would make the border crossing from Gibraltar to
Spain very awkward indeed if you had to swap what side of the road you drove on! The Rock of Gibraltar covers less than 5km square, so as you can imagine there are limited roads to drive on here. Infact, it's so compact, the main highway is disected by the airports runway, earning Gibraltar a place on our list of
strange and weird airports.
With less than 1,000 km of road, most of which consists of small side streets, there isn't really a great deal to worry about, there are no motorways and whilst the speed limits in Gibraltar are generally similar to that of Spain, you'll rarely have the opportunity to get up to speed. Whether driving through the Town area to the south of the peninsula or taking the Winston Churchill Avenue out of Gibraltar to Spain (via the runway!) driving in Gibraltar presents little to worry about. The main thing to check is whether you are allowed to take your rental car into Spain if that is part of of your plan.