Are there any special requirements for driving or hiring a car in Czech Republic?
Despite many internet forum rumours of the hazards of driving in the Czech Republic ranging from corrupt police officers to dangerous locals, much like driving abroad in most European countries it is safe to drive in the Czech Republic, however as before knowing the rules of the roads and being as prepared as possible is always wise and we hope the following provides all the information you’ll need to drive safely in the Czech Republic.
On the spot fines are commonplace in the Czech Republic and the police do perform random roadside stops to check that all your paperwork is in order. It would be reasonably to say that Czech Republic rental cars are often seen as a soft target so don’t be alarmed if you are pulled over / stopped at the roadside, particularly in and around
Prague. Provided you have all the required documents (see below) and are driving within the law you should have no problem and will soon be on your way. If you have broken a driving law in the Czech Republic however, whether intentional or not you can expect an on the spot fine at best. You may have read that these are negotiable, however we recommend you exercise caution and remain polite, friendly and apologetic to escape the heaviest fines. That said, driving in the Czech Republic is a great way to explore beyond the major cities and see more that this wonderful country has to offer. Remember, driving is on the right in the Czech Republic, speed limits are strictly enforced and there is a zero alcohol tolerance, so be very careful if driving the day after a night out partying. Read the rest of our Driving Guide to Czech Republic below for all you need to know;