Guide to Driving In Madagascar - Drive Safe in Madagascar

With our Drive Smart guide you're fully prepared to hire a car in Madagascar and stay safe on unfamiliar roads.


50 kph

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60-70 kph

More info  

motorway speed limit

n/a kph

speed limit
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Drink Drive Limit


drink and drive limit
More info  
You drive in Madagascar on the Right side  
The currency in Madagascar is MGA
To rent a car is  23 years and to drive is years of age
Current fuel price in Madagascar 1.18 €/Ltr

Driving Laws in Madagascar

Driving in Madagascar
Pocket guide to driving in Madagascar
Driving in Madagascar
SPEED: (kph)
Speed limit in Madagascar
Rush hour in Madagascar
Speed cameras in Madagascar
Fuel prices in Madagascar
See World Fuel Prices for full statistics
Min driving age in Madagascar
Blood alcohol content
Drink driving in Madagascar
Emergency phone number in Madagascar
Driving documents in Madagascar
Hands free only
Mobile phone driving in Madagascar
Seat belt in Madagascar
See here for current child seats law in Madagascar

Are there any special requirements for driving or hiring a car in Madagascar?

Madagascar is a huge country - the fourth largest island in the world so don't underestimate it. The country has a wide variety of terrain, much of which becomes difficult to traverse in the wet season. If you're going to explore, hire a 4x4 for your safety.

Rules of the road

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Emergency Services Numbers

Police Police: 117

Police Fire: 124

Police Ambulance: 118

Notes: The police can also be reached in Antananarivo at 22-227-35 and 22-281-70. Use these numbers only if you speak good Malagasy or French.

Jul , 2024

€ 0.98

€ 1.18

Jun , 2024

€ 1.02

€ 1.22

May , 2024

€ 1.13

€ 1.23

Apr , 2024

€ 1.04

€ 1.25

Parking Information

Parking regulations

Parking regulations
You’ll find that out of the main cities, parking is done on an ad hoc basis, just don’t block someone’s driveway. In the big cities, parking is more regulated but mainly into ‘don’t park’ and ‘park where you want’. You will find some parking areas which are attendant controlled as well as some parking garages in Antananarivo. 
Paid parking
Paid parking is generally in attendant controlled areas and in the centre of the big urban areas. Elsewhere most people park anywhere and for free.
The police enforce parking violations but you’d have to be unlucky to get ticketed. Usually it’s for obstruction rather than outstaying your welcome.
Disabled parking
To get concessions for parking for those with limited movement in Madagascar you would need to find an attended lot. Most find it’s easy to get a parking spot close to their destination anyway.

Emergency Information

Emergency Information

Police Police: 117

Police Fire: 124

Police Ambulance: 118

The emergency number in Madagascar is 117 for the police and 118 for the fire service. There is no number for ambulance as all are private. It is best to use the police number if you need medical help as well. 

What to do in an emergency

Look for the emergency number on your documentation or inside the windscreen of your car if you suffer mechanical problems in your rental car. If using your own car then make sure you find the number of a reputable emergency assistance company before you set off. 
In the event of an accident you must stop and call the emergency services only if there is major damage or injuries to a person or a domestic animal. Call the police and await their arrival. You should find that they’ll issue an accident report for your insurers or car hire company.

Handy Guides

World Driving Guides

Road Signs

Handy Phrases

Madagascans speak either Malagasy or French. As a traveller to Madagascar, you are better off using French.

Driving licence- Permis de Conduite
Insurance certificate –  Carte Verte
Services (rest stops) - Aire de repos
Bailiff (for accidents) - Huissier
Pay-and-display machine – Horodateur
End of no parking zone - Fin d'interdiction de stationer
Beware roadworks - Attention travaux
Petrol - Essence
Unleaded - Sans plomb
Diesel – Gazole
Town centre – Centre Ville
I have broken down - J'ai décomposé 
Where is the police station? - Où est le poste de police?
I have a flat tyre - J'ai un pneu à plat 
I have been in an accident - J'ai été dans un accident 
Where is? - Où est?
Where can I buy petrol? – Où puis-je acheter de l'essence?
No pedestrians - Interdit aux pietons
Exit – Sortie
One lane road - Voie unique
Turn on your lights - Allumez vos  feux (lanterns)
Closed - Ferme

Madagascar Fuel Price History

Jul , 2024

€ 0.98

€ 1.18

Jun , 2024

€ 1.02

€ 1.22

May , 2024

€ 1.13

€ 1.23

Apr , 2024

€ 1.04

€ 1.25

Mar , 2024

€ 0.99

€ 1.20

Feb , 2024

€ 1.00

€ 1.21

Jan , 2024

€ 0.97

€ 1.17

Dec , 2023

€ 0.99

€ 1.19

Nov , 2023

€ 0.99

€ 1.19

Oct , 2023

€ 1.03

€ 1.24

Sep , 2023

€ 1.02

€ 1.23

Aug , 2023

€ 1.00

€ 1.21

Month, YearDiesel €/ltrUnleaded €/ltr
Jul , 2024 0.98 1.18
Jun , 2024 1.02 1.22
May , 2024 1.13 1.23
Apr , 2024 1.04 1.25
Mar , 2024 0.99 1.20
Feb , 2024 1.00 1.21
Jan , 2024 0.97 1.17
Dec , 2023 0.99 1.19
Nov , 2023 0.99 1.19
Oct , 2023 1.03 1.24
Sep , 2023 1.02 1.23
Aug , 2023 1.00 1.21

Hiring a Car

With our Drive Smart guide you're fully prepared to hire a car in Madagascar and stay safe on unfamiliar roads.
Phil Partridge
Posted by Phil Partridge
About the Author -

Travel writer, car rental guru, Phil has rented cars all over the world and shares his knowledge and experience on the Blog. Favourite country to visit: France.

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