We’ve all come across some strange rules and regulations whilst driving, whether we find speed limits in different countries odd, or can’t understand why the drink drive limit around the world varies so much, driving in a different country can bewilder at time. However, there are some really weird driving laws out there that will really blow your mind. Many derive from old law that have never been updated and some are a result of more recent events, but we’ve compiled what we think are the strangest road and driving laws from all corners of the globe for your amusement.
Did you know, it’s illegal to slam a car door in Switzerland or that it’s perfectly acceptable to drink alcohol whilst driving in Costa Rica provided you don’t actually get drunk! One of our favourites, riding a camel on the highway in Nevada is outlawed and will result in your camel being seized! Now that we’d love to see…
Can you spot the red herrings among this little lot? Whilst most of these are genuine weird driving laws from around the world, we’ve had a little fun and snuck a spoof or 2 in here, but they may not be the ones you expect! If you know of any weird and wacky driving laws that we’ve not covered, why not let us know @rhinocarhire using #weirdroadlaws or comment below and we’ll add them in.
JAPAN: Illegal to Splash Pedestrians
It’s illegal to splash a pedestrian in Japan. Intentional or not, if you splash a pedestrian by driving through a puddle you could wind up in trouble.
THAILAND: Illegal to Drive Topless
It’s illegal to drive topless in Thailand. If caught driving without a top on in Thailand you’ll likely receive an on the spot fine.
CALIFORNIA: Illegal to Jump from a Car at 65 mph
It’s illegal to jump from a car at 65 mph in California. Not only is it illegal, it’s highly dangerous and best reserved for Hollywood stunts.
CALIFORNIA: Illegal to Park in Front of Dunkin’ Donuts
It’s illegal to park in front of a Dunkin’ Donuts restaurant. Rumour has it to ensure the space outside is reserved for a police patrol car.
MILFORD, MASS: Illegal to Peep through Car Windows
In Milford, Massachusetts it’s against the law to peep into car windows, the law was introduced to cut down on smash and grab car crime.
UNITED KINGDOM: Illegal to Urinate in the Street unless Touching Rear of Car
It’s illegal to urinate in the street in the UK, although an old law remains whereby if you are behind your car and touching the car with your hand, that’s just fine – although we’d still recommend you hold it until you find a toilet.
CYPRUS: Illegal to Eat or Drink Whilst Driving
Get caught eating or drinking whilst driving in Cyprus and you’ll be flaunting with the law, keep those road trip munchies stowed away or pull over if you just can’t resist.
MOSCOW: Illegal to Drive a Dirty Car
Fail to keep your car in a presentable condition in Moscow and you’ll find yourself with an on the spot fine. It’s not only your registration plates you need to keep clean either. A dirty car warrants a fine in Russia.
FRANCE: Legal Requirement to Carry a Breathalyser in the Car
It’s a legal requirement to carry a breathalyser in the car in France. The law introduced in July 2012 aims to reduce drink driving by enabling drivers to check they are safe to drive.
DENMARK: You Must Check Under the Car for Children Hiding
An old law that still stands, requires drivers in Denmark to check beneath their car before setting off to ensure there are no children hiding under there.
SWIZERLAND: Illegal to Wash your Car on a Sunday
It’s illegal to wash your car on a Sunday in Switzerland. If only all household chores were also banned on Sunday’s it really would be the day of rest.
PHILLIPPINES: Illegal to Drive on Monday if Plate ends with 1 or 2
In Manilla, the capital of the Philippines, cars with registrations ending 1 of 2 are not permitted on the roads on Mondays. Drastic measures to tackle a growing congestion problem.
SOUTH AFRICA: Illegal to Not Stop for Animals and Livestock Crossing the Road
Fail to stop to allow wild animals to cross the roads and you could on the receiving end of a hefty fine. If the fine is not deterrent enough, the thought of stampeding elephants of rhino should do the trick.
AUSTRALIA: Illegal to Transport Hay in Boot of a Car
It’s illegal to transport hay bales in the boot of your car. An old agricultural law that has stood the test of time. Loading a taxi with hay however is just fine, assuming the driver is ok with it.
JASPER GATES, CANADA: Illegal to Travel Faster than Horse & Carriage
Jasper Gates, Canada prohibits cars travelling faster than a horse and cart. The horse and cart really do rule the roads here!
BOTSWANA: Illegal to Transport Animals by Motorbike if Obstructing View
In Botswana, it’s fine to transports animals by motorbike, so long as they don’t obstruct the drivers view. One of many hazards carry a dog on a motorbike might present, not to mention an on the spot fine.
COSTA RICA: Legal to Drink Alcohol and Drive But Not Exceed Limit
Costa Rica has a drink drive limit of 0.05% BAC, however it’s not actually illegal to drink alcohol whilst driving so long as you do not exceed this limit. A cheeky beer behind the wheel it is then.
SWEDEN: Illegal to Not Have Headlights on 24 Hours a Day
Headlights are required to be switched on 24 hours a day in Sweden. Daytime running lights have long been a standard feature of Sweden’s best known export, Volvo cars and it has become standard on virtually all new cars now.
MECCA, SAUDI ARABIA: Motorway Lanes for Muslim and Non Muslim Drivers
Heading to Mecca in Saudi Arabia? Make sure you’re in the right lane as the highways in and out have dedicated lanes for Muslims and non Muslims.
SAN FRANCISCO, USA: Illegal to Polish Car with Used Underwear
We’re not sure why you’d want to, but polishing ones car with your underwear in San Francisco is against the law. If you are bra-zen enough to do it, it might not only cause ‘brief’ embarrassment but lead to a fine.
CALIFORNIA, USA: Illegal for Women to Drive in Dressing Gown
Californian’s are forbidden from driving in their dressing gowns, specifically women. So before you hope in the car in your bed clothes to get some milk in the morning, heed our warning.
ONTARIO, CANADA: Not Allowed to get in a Cab with Bad Breath
Whether illegal or not, hailing a cab and getting in with bad breath is not only poor manners but prohibited in Ontario, Canada.
ALASKA, USA: Illegal to Strap Dog to Roof
Travelling with pets in the car can represent challenges, however in Alaska the authorities have felt the need to ban strapping dogs to the roof of your car, presumably this was an issue?
FLORIDA, USA: Elephants Must Pay to Park at Meter
An old law that still stands today, should you happen to be travelling by elephant and need to ‘park up’ you’ll still need to pay at the meter. Where else by Florida!
MASSACHUSETTS, USA: Illegal for a Gorilla to Ride in the Back of a Car
If you just happen to have a gorilla in the car in Massachusetts, make sure he rides in the front as it’s illegal for one to sit in the back!
NEVADA, USA: Illegal to Ride a Camel on Highway
Riding a camel on public highways is outlawed in Nevada. If you happen to get caught by the police you can expect an on the spot fine and maybe have your camel seized.
MINNESOTA, USA: Illegal to Cross State Lines with Duck on Head
If you need to transport a duck across state lines in Minnesota, make sure you don’t carry on your head as that’s illegal – we can think of better ways to carry a duck anyway.
KENTUCKY, USA: Illegal to Allow Pets to Molest a Car
In Kentucky, you’ll find one of the strangest laws anywhere in the USA. Allowing domestic pets to molest a vehicle is (quite rightly) outlawed.
SWIZERLAND: Illegal to Slam Car Door
Slamming a car door is against the law in Switzerland. The country of serenity of calm want to keep it that way so no disturbing the peace by slamming doors thank you very much.
SPAIN: You Must Carry Spare Pair of Glasses
If you wear glasses to drive in Spain, make sure you have a spare pair in the car as if you’re asked to present them by the police and you fail to do so, it’ll be an on the spot fine for you.
GERMANY: Driving Naked is Legal
Driving naked in Germany is entirely up to you, under German law a car is considered your personal space and so you’re free to do as you please – provided you don’t distract other road users.
GERMANY: Illegal to Drive Bare Feet or Wearing Flip Flops
However, get caught driving in flip flops or with bare feet in Germany and you’ll find yourself in trouble. It’s considered dangerous, perhaps the driving naked rule needs addressing.
OKLAHOMA,USA: Illegal to Read Comic Books and Drive
Oklahoma has banned the reading of comic books whilst driving. Reading a novel is seemingly ok, but comic books a big no no. Ker-pow!
MICHIGAN, USA: Illegal to Sit and Read Newspapers in Middle of Road
It’s illegal to sit in the middle of the road to read the newspaper in Michigan, although the law is the least of your worries in this instance, avoiding getting run over should be your main concern.
ALABAMA, USA: Illegal to Drive Blindfolded
In Alabama it’s illegal to drive whilst blindfolded. Seems logical enough but does beg the question, were people really doing this to warrant legislating against it!
DENVER, USA: Illegal to Drive Black Car or Sunday
Drive a black car in Denver? Best to take a cab on Sunday’s as black cars are banned from the roads on Sunday. Why you ask, it’s a very good question and we’ve no idea!
TENNESSEE, USA: Illegal to Shoot Animals from Car Expect Whales
It’s illegal to hunt and shoot animals from within a vehicle in Tennessee, that is however unless it’s a whale, where perversely that’s not a problem – if you can find one.