Road Signs In Poland - What do Road Signs in Poland Mean?

If you’re driving in Poland for the first time, you should learn the road signs before hitting the road…

Road signs in Poland are generally common with other countries in Europe so you shouldn’t have too much difficulty with the majority of them if driving here for the first time. If you are renting a car in Poland it’s wise to have a little refresh on the road signs in Poland as whilst many are common with neighbouring countries and Europe in general, you will find some road signs in Poland that are exclusive to the country and knowing what they mean and being able to recognize them could save you not only time but also money. On the spot fines are common in Poland and failure to comply with the rules of the road as set out by the road signs in Poland could land you trouble with the local police.

Poland Road Signs


Warning Road Signs in Poland

Warning signs in Poland are often red or yellow to advise of potential danger. You should take note of any warning signs in Poland as they are designed to alert you of possible dangers ahead.



Information Road Signs in Poland

Information signs in Poland are the most frequently used road signs in Poland and are generally used on any type of road to provide road users with general information about the road they are using and the road ahead.



Mandatory Road Signs in Poland

Mandatory road signs in Poland are used where you are required to carry out a specific task, they are not suggestions, information or advisory signs, they must be adhered to and as such are arguably the most important roads signs in Poland that you need to know.



Priority Road Signs in Poland

Priority road signs in Poland are designed to clarify who has priority at the junction / road ahead. If driving in a country where you drive on the other side to the road, priorities are likely to the opposite of what you are familiar with, roundabouts being a notable difference.



Prohibitory Road Signs in Poland

Prohibitory road signs in Poland are used on all road types in Poland, often to restrict certain types of vehicles and certain manoeuvres such as prohibiting u-turns or setting maximum speeds.



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