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Putting the Honey in Honeymoon

In planning a wedding, most people are concerned with making sure that everything goes to plan on the day and generally, through over-planning by the bride and her mother, everything does go well. Once the wedding ceremony and the party afterwards are over it’s the honeymoon that has to come up to expectation. Long gone are the days when the bride and groom would leave from their reception and head straight off on their honeymoon with now often a few days passing before they jet off for some special time together. Planning the honeymoon is just as important, for you don’t want the glow of the wedding to wear off when you arrive at a hotel that is not quite what you were expecting!

So where are the cognoscenti honeymooning this summer?? Hopefully our reviews of the top five honeymoon destinations will give you some ideas if you haven’t planned it yet or at least reassure you that you are not mad in choosing your romantic destination.

Viva Las Vegas
Taking a lead from the Hollywood movies, many, especially film buffs, choose to take their honeymoon in Las Vegas. That’s a great idea when you consider the luxury themed hotels, the glitz and glamour of the place that is almost Hollywood and the attractions you can wander round, hand in hand like the Neon Boneyard where your love will certainly be seen in a new light! Watch out though for summer honeymoons though as the temperature in July and August is regularly over 100f.

Caribbean Blue
A traditional honeymoon destination, white sands, blue skies, turquoise waters and nothing to do but enjoy your new spouse’s company but where is away from the crowds but without breaking the bank? Try Cuba, a great value destination where five star luxury can be gained at what is usually three star Caribbean prices. Many hotels such as the Royal Hideaway will upgrade you for nothing if you bring your wedding certificate and fawn over you all fortnight.

An Irish Fiddle?
In these troubled economic times the British Isles is not a bad bet. Providing you don’t mind not getting a tan and are happy making your own entertainment when it’s cold and wet, Ireland is a very romantic destination. Days spent keeping each other warm followed by evenings drinking Guinness in front of a log fire whilst a traditional band play, can be very romantic and it won’t break the bank. If you’re scared of flying and don’t fancy the ferry, you’ll get a similar experience in Scotland although the warming drink will be a single malt!

The Honeymoon That Never Sleeps!
For a full on honeymoon, try a city break combined with a quieter countryside destination. New York is gaining in popularity where you’ll hardly have time for each other with all that’s happening but it’ll give you so much to talk about you’ll still be saying ‘Do you remember when?’, long into your dotage together. If you’d like some time to get to know your new spouse, follow it up with a few days on Long Island perhaps or take a drive up to New England.

And Now For Something Completely Different
There are plenty of destinations that are somewhat unusual; trekking in Nepal or the Andes; doing conservation work in Borneo; learning Chinese in Beijing or running marathons together in the UK but our favourite is to hire a yacht around some exotic islands like the Philippines or Stockholm’s archipelago if you want the chance to snuggle up together at night and be rocked by the gentle lapping of the waves. By the end of the honeymoon in a confined space with only each other’s company, you’ll know whether true love and your marriage will last forever.
Phil Partridge
Posted: July 12, 2012 by Phil Partridge 0 comments
About the Author -

Travel writer, car rental guru, Phil has rented cars all over the world and shares his knowledge and experience on the Rhinocarhire.com Blog. Favourite country to visit: France.

Last updated: Friday, July 3, 2020
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