Here's what you need to know about driving in this region:
Main Cities and Distances:
Scenic Routes:
In summary, hiring a car from Tours Airport allows you to explore the Loire Valley's cultural and natural treasures. Enjoy the scenic beauty, historic landmarks, and world-class wines that the region has to offer. Be prepared for potential tolls on the highways, and plan your trips to popular tourist destinations during non-peak hours for a more enjoyable experience.
Renault Twingo
4 Adults, 3 Doors
7 Days rental at 232.68 EUR from 18/11/2024
Opel Corsa
5 Adults, 5 Doors
7 Days rental at 241.99 EUR from 18/11/2024
Fiat 500
7 Days rental at 249.90 EUR from 18/11/2024
Peugeot 208 Electric
7 Days rental at 272.88 EUR from 18/11/2024
Peugeot 2008 Electric
7 Days rental at 304.42 EUR from 18/11/2024
Fiat 500 Electric
2 Adults, 2 Doors
There are always some points on which you are not sure when hiring a car, so we have done our best to answer the frequently asked questions. Just click this link and you will find the questions are sorted by category for easy navigation.
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